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Painting classes in Basel – Initial steps

Being conscious about every aspects in our life is crucial in order to become a balanced person and live a harmonius life. Therefore, when learning anything new, it’s wise to clarify – at least for ourselves,- that actually why do we want to learn that new skill?

In this case, what do I expect from learning about painting? Do I have a serious reason to enroll in a painting course? Do I have professional ambitions or I am just looking for a hobby?
Of course, without having raised such questions will allow you to visit a painting classes in Basel, but having answered these questions for yourself will help you to choose the perfect painting course accordingly.

Online or face-to-face?

Once you have articulated your«why« and expectations, choosing the path will be a lot easier. When looking for a painting course, the first question nowadays: shall I take an online or a face-to-face one? It really depends on your personality and circumstances. If you are disciplined enough to learn independently, and and have a space where you can make a little mess, then an online course might be an ideal choice for you. Fortunately, there are countless tutorials and »how to…« videos out there on the internet; lots of them are thorough and well explained. Advantage of this that you can learn without having to leave the cozyness of your room, and you can plan the speed of your progress.
I myself would prefer the face-to-face version with everything, where the language of transmitting the knowledge is rather practical than verbal. I’m doing an astrology online course without any problem. If I wanted to learn how to kitesurf, I would prefer a face-to-face course. When it comes to teaching it, painting is somewhere in between practical and verbal; because you will effectively learn by doing it for yourself (e.g. mixing colors) but there are a lot of tricks and aspects that you would probably didn«t think of, if it was not shown by a pro how to do properly. An other advantage of a face-to-face painting classes is the instant feedback. I remember when I went to the first yoga class in my life, I realised I had been doing downward facing dog in a quite different manner…

So if you manage to make up your mind whether to take an online or a real-life painting course, then the only thing you have to do, is to pick the most suitable one. How can you decide which would work the best for you?


As a beginner, you probably feel a lot of excitement. It’s a great feeling, yeee!
But! When we are excited we are prone to go to the nearest store and buy everything that is connected to the beloved topic. In the case of painting, this can badly hurt our bank account, since painting is not a cheap hobby. Instead, breathe deeply, and think twice before purchasing ten different shades of blue.

I myself would definitely make a little research at least about the paints and brushes. Ideal would be to ask a professional, what she/he suggest to start with. If you’re reading this in front of a huge shelf full of paint in Coop Bau & Hobby, and cannot wait, then I would recommend sticking to the three primary colors, plus black and white. Thats it. From these you can mix fairly enough color. Like this you are forced to practice a crucial part: color mixing! The way I learned color theory, was nothing else, but mixing my colors from this restricted palette.

„Painting classes in Basel – initial steps“ to be continued…

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